Verbena lasiostachys

Verbena lasiostachys Link
Verbena, Western vervain

Family:  Verbenaceae

Habit:  Perennial 35 to 80 cm., much-branched.  Inflorescence in terminal spikes of blue to purple flowers.

Distribution:  Found in dry to moist places below 8000 feet, in many plant communities in cismontane California north to Oregon and south to Baja California.

Seed unit:  Nutlet, usually single, but sometimes up to four fused together.

Seed:   Nutlet 1 to 2 mm., compressed-oblong and slightly rounded-triangular in cross section, making it somewhat two-sided; the rounded back bearing lengthwise ridges toward lower end and a network of cross ridges above; inner face of two planes meeting in a low ridge, the surface generally covered with whitish papillae; margin bordered by a narrow flange; attachment scar whitish.

Embryo:  A foliar embryo in woody seed coat, endosperm lacking.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #10 – Intact nutlet, whether or not a seed is present.  Piece of broken nutlet larger than one-half of the original size, unless no seed is present.  Seed, with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.
ISTA:  PSD #18 - Nutlet, unless it is obvious that no seed is present.  Piece of nutlet larger than one-half the original size, unless it is obvious that no seed is present.  Seed, with the pericarp/testa partially or entirely removed.  Piece of seed larger than one-half the original size, with the pericarp/testa partially or entirely removed.

Lab notes:  Often samples contain multiple seed units.

Average pure seed units per gram:  2,418 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 18 samples received for testing from 1997 to 2004).

Range of percent pure seed:   91 to 98%

Range of percent inert:  1 – 8%

Description of inert:   Plant material, dirt

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 18 days @ 15 to 25°C; for fresh and dormant seed, GA3 recommended @ 15°C.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1088.
Martin, A.C. and W.D. Barkley.  1961.  p. 194.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 687.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Mimulus aurantiacus

Mimulus aurantiacus  Curtis subsp. aurantiacus
Southern bush monkey flower

Family:  Scrophulariaceae

Habit:  Erect, branched shrub 6 to 20 dm. tall with showy yellow flowers.

Distribution:  Rocky places, foothills and in oak woodlands, with many local forms throughout California.

Seed unit:  Free seed.

Seed:  Fusiform, 1 mm. long, found in capsules 20 mm. long.   

Embryo:  Small, linear in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA: PSU#1 - Seed, with or without seed coat. Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  Seed should be removed from the capsule before planting; capsule material is considered inert.  

Average pure seed units per gram:  27,398 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 48 samples received for testing from 1992 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed:  1% to 9%

Range of percent inert:  90% to 99%

Description of inert:  Plant material

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, 15°C and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1040
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 624.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Castilleja exserta

Castilleja exserta (A. A. Heller) Chuang and Heckard
Purple Owl’s-clover (syn. Orthocarpus purpurascens)

Family: Scrophulariaceae   

Habit: Annual 10 to 45 cm., stiff hairy with purple flowers.

Distribution: Open fields, grasslands and woodlands of the Northwest, Sierra Nevada Foothills, coastal areas and inland through mountains of southern California, the Channel Islands, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Seed unit: Free seed.

Seed: 1 to 2 mm. free seed often has a loose, membranous, net-like outer seed coat, inner seed coat surface with cellular reticulation.

Embryo: Embryo is linear to spatulate in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions: Pure seed definition:  
AOSA:  PSU #1 – Seed, with or without seed coat/netted covering; broken seed larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  If ovoid capsule is found, seeds must be removed.  Empty seed coat “nets” are considered inert.

Average pure seed units per gram:  13,744 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 50 samples received for testing from 1995 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed: 17% to 93%

Range of percent inert: 6% to 82%

Description of inert: Plant material, dead insects.

Planting instructions: 400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1020
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Antirrhinum multiflorum

Antirrhinum multiflorum Pennell
Sticky snapdragon (syn. Antirrhinum glandulosum)

Family: Scrophulariaceae

Habit: Glandular sub-shrub 6 to 15 dm. tall, erect.

Distribution:   Found in rocky or disturbed places, in chaparral and mountainous areas of south San Francisco Bay and the south coast range.

Seed unit: Free seed with or without seed coat.

Seed: Brown, ovoid, 1 mm. long with broken wing-like ridges.

Embryo: Linear in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions: Pure seed definition:
AOSA: PSU #1 - Seed, with or without seed coat.Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes: Pieces of seed coat might be misidentified as pure seed.

Average pure seed units per gram: 5,650 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from four (4) samples received for testing from 1996 to 2001).

Range of percent pure seed:  55% to 64%

Range of percent inert: 35% to 44%

Description of inert:  Broken seed, plant material.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 12 days @ 20-30°C; for fresh and dormant seed, 15°C and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed. 1993. p. 1015.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Rosa californica

Rosa californica Cham. & Schlect.
California wild rose

Family:  Rosaceae

Habit:  Shrub 8 to 25 dm., often thicket forming; erect stems with recurved prickles; flowers generally pink.

Distribution:  Found in fairly moist places, canyons, and near streams in cismontane plant communities below 6000 feet, from Baja California to southern Oregon.

Seed unit:  Hip, 8 to 20 mm. wide.

Seed:  Bony achenes, 3 to 4 mm., enclosed in a fleshy, generally reddish hypanthium. Achenes are rounded, triangular and oblong, usually with a rounded back and two flattish faces joined into an edge bearing a shallow, narrow groove; yellowish to brown; wall woody and thick.

Embryo:  Foliar embryo with woody seed coat.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #32 – Intact dry indehiscent fruit whether or not a seed is present.  Seed with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  Samples usually consist of dried fruits (hips).  Hips are planted as the seed unit.  The hip contains one to several achenes, but is counted as one unit. 

Average pure seed units per gram:  22 seed units per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 10 samples received for testing from 1993 to 2004).                                           

Range of percent pure seed:   28% to 99%

Range of percent inert:  1% to 71%

Description of inert:  Plant material, dead insects, broken seed.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, T, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 973.
Martin, A.C. and W.D. Barkley.  1961.  p. 166.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 787.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Rhamnus crocea

Rhamnus crocea Nutt.
Spiny redberry

Family:  Rhamnaceae

Habit:  Shrub to 2 meters, sometimes thorn-tipped.

Distribution:  Found in coastal foothill chaparral and woodlands from Sonoma County in Northern California to Baja California, Mexico.  

Seed unit:  The fruit is a berrylike drupe containing two to four nutlike seeds (seed unit is the free seed).

Seed:  5 to 6 mm. long, broadly rounded, triangular with a wedge-shaped opening on one face.  Has a distinct line lengthwise on the flat face.

Embryo:  Foliar with endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA:  PSU#1 - Seed, with or without seed coat. Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes: There are often intact seeds with no embryos.

Average pure seed units per gram:  113 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 8 samples received for testing from 1994 to 2002). 

Range of percent pure seed:  96 to 99%

Range of percent inert:  .3 to 3.2%

Description of inert:  Plant material, sticks, stone, broken seed.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, T, 35 days @ 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 940
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Ranunculus californicus

Ranunculus californicus Benth.
California buttercup

Family:  Ranunculaceae

Habit:  Perennial, 18 to 70 cm., hairy with cauline petioles, yellow flowers.

Distribution:  Scattered about open grassy woodland in coastal areas of California, Oregon and Baja California, Mexico.

Seed unit:  Achene; free seed.

Seed:  Achene obovoid – discoid  2 to 2.5 mm. long with stout recurved beaks, .8 mm.

Embryo:  Minute to small basal embryo in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA:  PSU#39 - Intact achene with or without style, hairs, and/or spines, whether or not a seed is present. Piece of broken achene larger than one-half of the original size, unless no seed is present. Seed with or without seed coat. Piece of broken seed larger then one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  Achenes sometimes found in clusters, must be separated for planting.

Average pure seed units per gram:  503 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from two (2) samples received for testing from 2001 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed:  94%

Range of percent inert:  4%

Description of inert:  Plant material, stone.

Planting instructions:   400 seeds, TB, 21 days at 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 925. 
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 95.
Ransom Seed Laboratory
Smith, C.F.  1998.  p. 330.


Delphinium cardinale

Delphinium cardinale Hook.
Cardinal or Scarlet larkspur

Family:   Ranunculaceae

Habit:  Perennial with deep, thickened roots and erect, woody stems; simple or branched above, 1 to 2 m. tall, with scarlet flowers.

Distribution:  Found in dry openings in coastal sage scrub, chaparral and foothill woods; from Monterey County to San Diego County and Baja California.

Seed unit:  Free seed.

Seed:   Quadrangular with sharp angles, 2 to 3 mm. long, dark, bumpy.

Embryo:  Small basal embryo in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #1 – Seed, with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.
ISTA:  PSD #10 – Seed, with or without testa.  Piece of seed larger than one-half the original size, with or without testa.

Lab Notes:  Germination test can show thermal dormancy at warm temperatures.

Average pure seed units per gram:  806 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 6 samples received for testing from 1993 to 2004).

Range of percent pure seed:   14 to 81%

Range of percent inert:  18 to 85%

Description of inert:   Plant material, stone, broken seed, dead and live insects.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, T, 28 days @ 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 918.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 90.
Ransom Seed Laboratory
Rules for Testing Seeds, AOSA


Clematis ligusticifolia

Clematis ligusticifolia Nutt.
Clematis, Yerba de Chivato

Family:  Ranunculaceae

Habit:  4 to 6 m. high, climbing, glabrous except in inflorescence.

Distribution:  Found in many places along streams, wet places in coastal areas usually hanging from trees; California to Baja California, South Dakota and New Mexico.

Seed unit:  Achene.

Seed:  One-seeded achene with persistent elongated feathery style.

Embryo:  Basal embryo in fleshy endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU#39 - Intact achene with or without style, hairs, and/or spines, whether or not a seed is present. Piece of broken achene larger than one-half of the original size, unless no seed is present.

Average pure seed units per gram:  904 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 3 samples received for testing from 2000 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed:  33% to 62%

Range of percent inert:  37% to 66%

Description of inert:  Plant material, sticks.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 914.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Polygonum punctatum

Polygonum punctatum Elliott
Dotted smartweed

Family:  Polygonaceae

Habit:  Sprawling perennial 3 to 10 dm. high, branched and subglabrous.

Distribution:  Common in moist low places, California to Washington.

Seed unit:  Achene.

Seed:  2- to 3-angled, black or reddish shiny, often in perianth (2.0 to 3.5 mm. long).

Embryo:  Peripheral curved embryo with developed cotyledon and hard, starchy endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA:  PSU#29 - Intact achene, with or without perianth, whether or not a seed is present. Seed, with or without pericarp/seed coat. Piece of broken seed larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes: Achenes are often empty.

Average pure seed units per gram:  430 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 3 samples received for testing from 2001 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed:  38 to 96% 

Range of percent inert:  3 to 61% 

Description of inert:  Plant material, broken seed, dirt. 

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20-30°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 891
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Eriogonum umbellatum

Eriogonum umbellatum Torrey.
Sulfur flower

Family:  Polygonaceae

Habit:  Shrub, 10 to 200 cm. with densely tomentose leaves (esp. below); flowers yellow becoming reddish.

Distribution:  Abundant in dry, open, often rocky places; California to western Canada, Colorado and New Mexico.  An extremely variable plant.

Seed unit:  Three-sided achene.

Seed:   2 to 5 mm. long, glabrous, lance ovoid, outer wall (pericarp) firm, brittle.

Embryo:  Peripheral, curved embryo with hard, starchy endosperm.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #29 – Intact achene with or without perianth, whether or not a seed is present.  Pieces of broken achene larger than one-half of the original size, unless no seed is present.

Lab notes:  Often achenes with floral parts are immature and empty.

Average pure seed units per gram:  407 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 23 samples received for testing from 1992 to 2001.

Range of percent pure seed:   50% to 95%

Range of percent inert:  4% to 49%

Description of inert:   Broken seed, plant material, live insects.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 880.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 336.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Eriogonum latifolium

Eriogonum latifolium Smith
Coast buckwheat

Family:  Polygonaceae

Habit:  Pink flowered shrub, perennial 10 to 70 cm., woody, densely leafy; lanate under leaves.

Distribution:  Common on coastal bluffs, scrub, north and central California coast to Washington.

Seed unit:  Three-sided achene with or without perianth.

Seed:  3 to 4 mm. long, glabrous, lance-ovoid, outer wall (pericarp) firm, brittle.

Embryo:  Peripheral, curved embryo and hard starchy endosperm.  

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA:  PSU#29 - Intact achene with or without perianth, whether or not a seed is present.  Piece of broken achene larger than one half of the original size, unless no seed is present. 

Lab notes:  Often achenes with floral parts are immature and empty. 

Average pure seed units per gram:   1,114 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 15 samples received for testing from 1992 to 2002).

Range of percent pure seed:  33% to 95%

Range of percent inert:   4% to 59%

Description of inert:   Broken seed, plant material.

Planting instructions: 400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 874.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 351.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Poa secunda

Poa secunda J.S. Presl
One-sided bluegrass

Family:  Poaceae

Habit:  Perennial grass growing in matted tufts, 1.5 to 10 dm. 

Distribution:  Commonly scattered from coastal woodland to chaparral and coniferous forest.  California to Alaska, Rocky Mountains, northwest Mexico, and South America.  Many ecological forms, tends to intergrade.

Seed unit:  Multiple floret spikelet or floret with caryopsis.

Seed:   (Floret) - Lemma awnless, 3.5 to 5 mm.  Amount of pubescence on lemma and whether the lemma is keeled or not help to determine subspecies.

Embryo:  Basal lateral embryo area of seed caryopsis.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #14 – Multiple floret spikelet, multiple floret or floret, provided a caryopsis with some degree of endosperm development can be detected.  Caryopsis or piece of broken caryopsis larger than one-half of the original size. 
ISTA:  #41 – Spikelet - with lemma and palea enclosing a caryopsis, plus attached sterile floret.  Floret - with lemma and palea enclosing a caryopsis.  Caryopsis - piece of caryopsis larger than one-half the original size. 

Lab notes:  Presence of empty florets common in samples.  Blowing point with general blower approximately #11.

Average pure seed units per gram:  2,075 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 73 samples received for testing from 2002 to 2003).

Range of percent pure seed:   63% to 99%

Range of percent inert:  1% to 35%

Description of inert:  Chaff, empty florets, plant material, broken seed.  

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20-30°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1289.
Ransom Seed Laboratory
Smith, C.F.  1998.  p. 121.


Nassella pulchra

Nassella pulchra (A. Hitchc.) Barkworth
Purple needlegrass, Purple stipa (syn. Stipa pulchra A. Hitchc.)

Family:  Poaceae

Habit:  Tufted perennial grass with flat or involute leaves and terminal nodding panicles.  Stem 3 to 10 dm. high.

Distribution:  Found in oak woodland, chaparral, and grasslands in California coastal ranges from Humboldt County to Baja California; also in the Sierran foothills and the Channel Islands.

Seed unit:  One-flowered spikelet with caryopsis.

Seed:    Glumes subequal; 12 to 19 mm.; floret 7.5 to 11.5 mm., lemma evenly hairy, becoming glabrous on veins, neck conspicuous, not narrowed at base.  Awn 38 to 100 mm., strongly bent.

Embryo:  Basal-lateral embryo area of seed caryopsis.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #12 - Single floret, with or without awn, provided a caryopsis with some degree of endosperm development can be detected (either by slight pressure or by examination over light.)  Caryopsis or piece of broken caryopsis larger than one-half of the original size. 

Average pure seed units per gram:  212 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 328 samples received for testing from 1992 to 2003).

Range of percent pure seed:   27% to 99%

Range of percent inert:  .08% to 71%

Description of inert:   Plant material, chaff, soil, broken seed, sticks.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 15-25°; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1276.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 1532.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Hordeum brachyantherum

Hordeum brachyantherum  Nevski subsp.
Meadow barley

Family:  Poaceae

Habit:  Tufted perennial 2 to 7 dm. tall, mostly glabrous.

Distribution:  Meadows, pastures, stream banks in California to Rocky Mountains, Mexico to Alaska.  The ssp. californicum is found from California to Oregon.

Seed unit:  3 joined spiklets.

Seed:  Central spikelet glumes 7 to 19 mm. long, flat at base and straight with age, lateral spikelet glumes 6.5 to 19 mm long, narrower, straight or spreading with age.

Embryo:  Basal-lateral embryo area of seed caryopsis.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU#14 - Multiple floret spikelet, multiple floret or floret with or without awn(s), provided a caryopsis with some degree of endosperm development can be detected.  Caryopsis or piece of broken caryopsis larger than one half of the original size.

Lab notes:  Often samples have multiple floret spikelets or spikelets that are empty with undeveloped caryopses.

Average pure seed units per gram:  239 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 101 samples received for testing from 1994 to 2003).  

Range of percent pure seed:   84% to 99%

Range of percent inert:  .01 to 7%

Description of inert:   Plant material, chaff.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 14 days at 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1266
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 1508
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Aristida adscensionis

Aristida adscensionis  L.
Triple-awned grass

Family:  Poaceae

Habit:  Annual 1 to 8 dm. branched at base, purplish tinge, erect or spreading.

Distribution:  Dry open rocky sites and in shrubland.  San Luis Obispo County to the deserts.  Also in Texas, Kansas and Argentina.

Seed unit: Spikelet with caryopsis.

Seed:  Lower glume 5 to 7 mm., upper 8 to 10 mm.; lemma 6 to 13 mm.; 3 awns, 7 to 23 mm., equal length.  Tip is often beaked.  

Embryo:  Basal-lateral embryo area of seed caryopsis.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA: PSU #13 - Single floret spikelet or floret with or without awns, provided a caryopsis with some degree of endosperm development can be detected.  Caryopsis or piece of broken caryopsis larger than one-half of the original size.

Lab notes:  Seeds often look like sticks and are attached to stems.  Many florets are without substance.

Average pure seed units per gram:  1352 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from seven (7) samples received for testing from 1993 to 2003).

Range of percent pure seed:   10% to 53%

Range of percent inert: 44% to 88%

Description of inert:   Plant material, chaff, broken seed, dirt, sticks.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days at 15-25°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1234.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 1535.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Agrostis exarata

Agrostis exarata Trin.
Spike bentgrass

Family:  Poaceae

Habit:  Tufted perennial grass 2 to 12 dm. tall.

Distribution:  Found in moist places along creeks, rivers or roadsides in open woodlands and coniferous forests; from Alaska to South Dakota and south to California, Texas and Mexico.

Seed unit:  Single floret spikelet with caryopsis.

Seed:  Glumes 1.5 to 3.5 mm. Lemma 1 to 2 mm. long, ending in a prickle or short awn.  Palea minute.

Embryo:  Basal-lateral embryo area of seed caryopsis.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #13 - Single floret spikelet or floret with or without awns, provided a caryopsis with some degree of endosperm development can be detected.  Caryopsis or piece of broken caryopsis larger than one half of the original size.

Lab notes:  For purity examinations on this species, a general seed blower and a diphanoscope are helpful.

Average pure seed units per gram:  12,373 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 7 samples received for testing from 1996 to 2002). 

Range of percent pure seed:   92% to 98%

Range of percent inert: 1% to 7%

Description of inert:  Chaff, plant material, dirt.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 15-25°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 1229.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 1522.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Eschscholzia lemmonii

Eschscholzia lemmonii  E. Greene
Lemmon’s poppy

Family:  Papaveraceae

Habit:  Annual 5 to 30 cm., orange to deep yellow flowers, glabrous to sparsely hairy.

Distribution:  Open grasslands in the southern Sierra Nevada foothills and outer south coast ranges of California.

Seed unit:  Free seed.

Seed:  1 to 1.3 mm. wide, net-like ridges, brown, round.

Embryo:  Small, basal embryo; copious endosperm.

Purity instructions:  Pure seed definition:
AOSA:  PSU#1 - Seed, with or without seed coat. Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Average pure seed units per gram:  1,768 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from one sample received for testing from 2001).  

Range of percent pure seed:  97%

Range of percent inert:  1%

Description of inert:  Plant material, dirt.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 10 days @ 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, 15°C and GA3 or KNO3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 814.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Dicentra chrysantha

Dicentra chrysantha (Hook. & Arn.) Walp.
Golden Ear-drops

Family:  Fumariaceae [Papaveraceae]

Habit:  Herbaceous perennial; glaucous, erect, with several stems from stout roots, 5 to 15 dm. high.  Flowers erect, yellow, 12 to 16 mm.

Distribution:  Often found in burns or disturbed places on dry slopes, in chaparral, yellow pine and oak woodland communities from northwestern California and the Sierra Nevada to northern Baja California.

Seed unit:  Disseminated from elongated, lance-ovoid, several-seeded capsule (15 to 25 mm. long)

Seed:  1.5 to 2 mm. long, black, subreniform to almost round, densely papillate. 

Embryo:  Rudimentary embryo in endosperm.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #1 – Seed with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.         

Average pure seed units per gram:  1,110 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 3 samples received for testing from 2001 to 2004). 

Range of percent pure seed:   99% 

Range of percent inert:  1% 

Description of inert:  Plant material.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 15°C; for fresh and dormant seed, 15°C and GA3 recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 812.
Munz, P.A. and D.D. Keck.  1968.  p. 212.
Ransom Seed Laboratory


Epilobium canum

Epilobium canum (E. Greene) Raven
California fuchsia, zauschneria  (syn. Zauschneria canum)

Family:  Onagraceae

Habit:  Perennial subshrub, generally glandular, clumped with basal scaly shoots 1 to 9 dm. high; flowers red-orange.

Distribution:  Found on dry slopes in rocky situations from northern Mexico to California, Oregon and New Mexico, and Wyoming.  Hummingbird-pollinated; sub-species often intergrading.

Seed unit:  Seed found in a loculicidal capsule, 20 to 35 mm., beaked and hairy.

Seed:  1.5 to 2.3 mm., rounded, beak-shaped.

Embryo:  Fully developed foliar embryo with endosperm.

Purity instructions:   Pure seed definition: 
AOSA:  PSU #1 – Seed with or without seed coat.  Piece of broken seed, with or without seed coat, larger than one-half the original size.

Lab notes:  Typically many seeds of poor quality, small and shriveled.

Average pure seed units per gram:  2,044 seeds per gram (based on AOSA pure seed units only from 11 samples received for testing from 1999 to 2004).

Range of percent pure seed:  1% to 72%

Range of percent inert:  27% to 98%

Description of inert:  Broken seed, sticks, plant material, dirt and stone.

Planting instructions:  400 seeds, TB, 21 days @ 20°C; for fresh and dormant seed, prechill recommended.

References:  (link to main reference page)
Hickman, J.C., Ed.  1993.  p. 796.
Ransom Seed Laboratory
